Head of Academy (m/f/d)

  • Dresden / Heilbronn / Bonn / Hannover / Darmstadt / Wien (AT) / Dornbirn (AT) / Tirana (ALB) / München / Ilmenau / Zürich
  • from now on
  • 70.000€ - 90.000€ pro Jahr
  • Büro und Homeoffice

Communardo is growing - also internationally - and you can play a key role. Because in the people business, the development and training of employees is a key success factor. You will take the lead in designing and implementing an innovative Academy at Communardo. As an expert in training, you will not only design programs, but also check their effectiveness and keep up to date with new trends. Contribute your know-how and passion for personnel development in a modern and international environment!

Communardo is one of the leading Platinum Partners of Atlassian in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, and app vendor for the Atlassian ecosystem. Our software helps enterprise clients to implement superior collaboration solutions based on Atlassian Confluence and Jira. Furthermore, we provide integration solutions for Atlassian products with Microsoft SharePoint and Office 365. Starting from 2018 we're also operating from our branch in Tirana where a team of Software Developers, Product Owners, Marketing and Designers, are helping in developing our products further.

Your role

  • You are responsible for the conception, implementation and continuous development of a group-wide academy for the training and further education of employees in the consulting and IT environment

  • Together with the managers from the business units, you will create training and development programs that are aligned with Communardo's strategic goals

  • You establish tools for digital learning (learning platform) and for documenting and evaluating training programs

  • Of course, you also monitor the effectiveness of training programs yourself and make suggestions for improvements to content or training material if necessary

  • You have a constant eye on the market to keep up to date with new trends in learning and development practices, techniques and technology

Your profile and your story

  • You have completed a degree in business administration or similar with a focus on personnel development

  • In recent years, you have developed numerous modern training programs (eLearning, blended learning, coaching, etc.) and inspire us with your stories about these programs

  • You have gained professional experience in international (especially English-speaking) countries

  • Accordingly, you naturally speak excellent English and German

  • Ideally, you have already worked in the IT or consulting industry and have established yourself as an empathetic leader

  • A plus but not a must: You have a qualification as a trainer and/or coach

Dein Communardo-Gesamtpaket Möchtest auch Du von einer Vielzahl an Benefits profitieren?

Jetzt bewerben!

Wir sind ein gesundes, auf Wachstum ausgerichtetes Unternehmen, in dem die Förderung und Weiterentwicklung von Mitarbeitenden eine zentrale Rolle spielen. Bei Communardo entstehen crossfunktionale, leistungsstarke Teams und oftmals echte Freundschaften. Wir leben und gestalten gemeinsam unseren digitalen Arbeitsplatz und vergessen dabei nicht die individuellen Bedürfnisse des Einzelnen. Maximale Flexibilität, echte Familienfreundlichkeit und ein Auge auf Diversität sorgen dafür, dass alle Mitarbeitenden und Bewerbenden die gleichen Chancen und Förderungen erhalten. Neben einer fairen und leistungsorientierten Vergütung sorgen spannende Projekte dafür, dass Du Freude an Deiner Arbeit hast!

Der Communardo Benefit-Konfigurator bietet Dir zudem die Möglichkeit, im Rahmen eines persönlichen Budgets aus einer großen Auswahl an Benefits Dein ganz individuelles Wohlfühl-Paket zusammenzustellen.


Jobticket / Abo-Monatskarte
Bike Leasing
Bahncard / Klimaticket


Urban Sports Club / Sport-Mitgliedschaft
Aufstockung Urlaubstage


Lieferando Pay Card


Betriebliche Altersversorgung
Private Zusatzversicherung

Gute Taten

Patenschaften für Kinder
Patenschaften für Tiere
Spenden für Naturschutz und Nothilfe


Netflix und Disney+ Abos
Spotify und Blinkist Abos
Privater Handy-, Internet- oder Festnetzvertrag

Dir fehlt noch eine Information? Hier geht's zu den FAQ!

Ansonsten nichts wie los – Kontaktiere uns oder sende uns Deine Bewerbung:

Verena Schumann-Mühl, Head of Human Resources bei Communardo Software GmbH

Deine Ansprechpartnerin

Verena Schumann-Mühl
Head of Human Resources